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Tag: electrical

Generac generator service by a CrewPros technician.

Ensure Summer Comfort with a Generac Generator

When the summer heat arrives in Tennessee, having a reliable power source is crucial. The hot days and warm nights can be unbearable without electricity, so a dependable generator is not just a luxury but a necessity. At CrewPros, we understand the critical role that continuous power plays in your safety and comfort, especially during the summer storm season. That is why we’re proud to sell, install, and provide Generac generator service, ensuring you and your family are never left in the dark.

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Pretty Memphis home in the summer.

Get Ready with These Essential Home Tips for Summer

With summer around the corner, getting your home ready for the warmer months is important. From checking your air conditioning system to preparing your outdoor spaces for hosting guests, you should complete several key tasks to ensure that your home is in top shape. To make things easier, the experts at CrewPros Home Services have compiled a comprehensive checklist of essential home tips for summer to help you get started.

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HVAC maintenance in progress.

Stay Cool: The Importance of HVAC Maintenance in Memphis

As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, preparing for the summer heat is important. One essential aspect of home maintenance that often goes unnoticed is the upkeep of your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. Neglecting your HVAC system can result in uncomfortable living conditions, reduced energy efficiency, and expensive repairs. That’s why CrewPros emphasizes the importance of regular HVAC maintenance in Memphis, particularly as summer approaches. 

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Tips for Outdoor Lighting in Memphis

Your home is an extension of your unique personality and style, which is why it is important to highlight it with an outdoor lighting design. Apart from aesthetics, well-placed outdoor lights also enhance the safety of your home and give it a striking nighttime appearance. CrewPros home remodeling can assist you with great lighting options for your home, determining the ideal placement, and handling the installation process. Let us explore the different types of outdoor lights and discuss why adding them to your home improvement project is a bright idea. 

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Staying Ahead of the Storm with a Generac Generator

In the Memphis area, you may have noticed that there have been more power outages this year than before. Now more than ever, generators are needed in the case of an outage. Luckily, CrewPros are Generac dealers for the Memphis community! If you have ever wondered why Memphis Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW) have so many power outages, their explanation is quite clear. According to MLGW, they have a five-year infrastructure plan that was approved in 2020, and by this year, it should be 70% complete. However, it is severely lagging in some areas, particularly in vegetation management. This is particularly impactful since 60% of recent outages have been attributed to trees.  

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Light Fixture Installation by CrewPros

Do you feel like it is time to upgrade your home’s light fixtures or brighten up a dim room? New light fixtures can instantly improve the aesthetics of a room. Also, if your room is poorly lit, it can make it appear smaller. You may even have to purchase lamps to increase the light in the room. If you are making a few updates to your home new lighting may be the perfect addition.  

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The Difference Between Portable and Generac Standby Generators

Recently on a Sunday night in Memphis, a strong storm with heavy gusts of wind caused damage in the Mid-South. Memphis electricians worked tirelessly throughout the night to restore power. However, as of Monday morning, over 120,000 homes and businesses were still without electricity, and many of these homes and businesses could be without power for days, according to Memphis Light Gas and Water. Those who have generators are fortunate, but the question remains: which type of generator is superior – a standby generator by Generac or a portable generator? Both can handle the essentials, so your decision comes down to price and power. Continue reading to discover some of the primary differences between the two types of generators to help you decide. 

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Whole House Standby Generators by Generac

In today’s technological world, it is easier than ever to take certain things for granted. One of the easiest things to never think about is that invisible force that powers everything in your home: Electricity! Once you experience a power outage, you will realize how much we depend on the power grid. A power outage can wreak havoc in a home and especially for a business. From food spoilage, lack of customers, scared little ones, loss of heat, and everything in between. You could lose power at your home or business for several reasons, such as inclement weather conditions, equipment failure, and even animal interference. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you never had to worry about losing power at your home or business again? 

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