Whole House Generators
Most everyone will agree that one of the most annoying things that can happen at home is a power outage. The next move is making a mad dash of lighting candles in the house, grabbing a flashlight, and checking your phone’s charge. We have come to rely on electricity for many things, many of which are highly essential. Warmth, light, and food that is not spoiled are crucial. These days there are also an abundance of people working from home. If a power outage lasts, it could put strain on their work life. If you live in Memphis or the mid-south, you have more than likely lost power during a storm.

Why a Whole House Generator?
There is a solution to power outages! A whole house standby generator will have your water heater, refrigerator, HVAC systems, electronic devices, and medical devices (if needed) turned back on before you even notice an outage. CrewPros carries the major name brands of generators that you have heard of, and you may even recognize the brands. CrewPros sells and installs top generator brands like Generac, Kohler, and Briggs & Stratton. Many manufacturers offer warranties beyond a year and often have attractive financing offers.
Investing in a whole-home generator is a significant investment, yet homeowners believe it is worth the investment for a host of reasons, including the following.
Benefits of a Whole House Generator
Efficiency: Portable generators can be difficult to keep running for more than several hours. Smaller portable generators run on gasoline, propane, and can be hooked up to natural gas. Most portable generators are great to run a few items in your home; but they do not cover all the electrical needs. When a power outage occurs from a storm you may face dangerous roads that make going to the gas station almost impossible. When a major thunderstorm, tornado, or ice storm strikes, are you ready? A whole house generator can go the distance until electricity is restored to your home. When the power outage occurs in seconds, the standby generator powers up.
Return on Investment: The average homeowner who invests in a whole house generator increases their property value. Due to more storms today, backup whole home generators have grown in popularity. According to Consumer Reports, if you spend $10,000.00 installing a whole home generator, you can expect your home value to increase to $15,000. This means you have a 150% return on your investment.
Insurance Savings: Since your whole home generator protects your home’s valuable assets like the HVAC system, sump pumps, and central air conditioning units, it makes sense that they will offer a discount when a home has a whole home generator installed.
Safety: Standby backup generators are hard-wired with an automatic transfer switch, so minimal interference exists.
Generators to Fit All Sizes: Depending on your home’s square footage and the number of items you need to run, there are options. Popular sizes range from 18,000-watts up to 24,000 watts but come in many different levels. The more power you need to run the larger the generator requirements run.
Life Expectancy: Expect 25-30 years if they are serviced on a regular basis with proper installation.
If you have decided a whole house generator is right for you, we can help. CrewPros also handles standby generator maintenance and installation. Severe storms are quite common to Memphis and Nashville and the surrounding areas. Be prepared. Call us today.
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